Hi! This is a work in progress. I am in the process of building a set of resources that can help anyone learn debate. Right now, we are focusing on LD/Lincoln Douglas debate, but once I feel like that’s in good shape, I will try branch out to other styles. If you are interested in policy debate, the debate guru has a great website for you. If you are interested in public forum, Nathanial Yoon’s website has a lot of great info. - Becca

How to use this website

My goal is to…

<aside> 🚧 While this page is still heavily under-construction, resources will be color-coded to indicate how far along they are in development.


<aside> 🚫 Red indicates the page has not been started and is only in planning stages.


<aside> ⚠️ Yellow indicates the page has content, but is less than halfway finished.


<aside> ✅ Green indicates the page is more than halfway finished.


Resources & Content

I am a debate coach, AMA

Sept/Oct22 Topic:

<aside> 👉 Resolved: The United States ought to implement a single-payer universal healthcare system.


Guided Tours & Lessons

General Info

Content Guides

Collected Resources

Glossary & Jargon

Online Debate Rounds

Drills & Curriculum

Online Lectures

Useful Readings/Materials

Exemplar Cases

Old Topic Analyses & Prep

Other Stuff

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